buz words in the mainstream like Green-parenting, Green-Mommies...ect.
In mommie circles and get together s Mother's are always looking for better
and healthier ways to care for their little munchkins.
As a more Conscious Parent, what Toys are the safest for your little one?
Do you know?
I get this question a lot from other new mommas,
What if we take it a step further and rethink the whole toys store?
I read this blog post I ready today written by a sweet Mother re-inspired me.
I will give you the post that inspired me today in a moment,
but first I just want to say that as a already "on the fringe" mother,
I love finding ways that I can be even more mindful and improve Life as a whole.
This of course varies mother to mother depending on what feels
really good and where you want to focus your energy.
For me personally, I love to find ways I can lessen my consumer imprint.
Some ways we already practice with great excitement and ease are:
First we as a household always bring our own bags to stores.
This goes for grocery stores/farmer's market/ thrift stores /ect.
(bulk items and spices included)
Secondly we re-fill our stainless or glass bottles of water from our own 5 gallon
re-fillable jug.
This not only saves BIG MONEY, it saves the landfill of thousands
of used-once water bottles a day just from our home alone!
For example. 1 whole gallon of water at the re-fill station costs .30 cents!
Compare that to around $1.25 you will pay for 16 oz of water.
Free Spring water is always a treat too if you have the chance.
and lastly, we as a household use cloth rags instead of throw away paper towels.
I love towels because they are re-washable, durable and I feel better knowing no trees had to come down for me to wipe a counter or clean a mess that can easily we wiped with a regular towel.
so...what inspired me to re-think Toys for my son?
This blog comes from RoseGoddess from RoseGoddessBliss.com
I loves her post because it shares her perspective about Toys
which come from a very sweet and honest space.
As a parent to an 20 month old I am reminded
everyday just how entertaining places such as our own back yard is for Zavi
and that it is not only free, but it is ever changing because of the seasons, the critters and even the weather. Being outside with just the elements encourages him to interact
with his environment and get some sun on his little cheeks on imagination!
What are your thoughts of the Blog by RoseGoddess?
Enjoy the post!
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