Saturday, June 19, 2010

Postpartum Fitness & Food

Photo: Parents connect

Over the past six months daily fitness and I have had an interesting affair. It will be smoking hot one week maybe two, then cold as December toes the next. Due to second guessing my strategy for optimal results, I will do bursts of kickass fitness routines followed by a week of internet surfin’ couch tater. I like most humans I know have a tendency to slippy-slip back into old patters of ___________. Like clockwork I find myself clawing my way out of my rut because I desire above average results and it is important to me!

Does this sound familiar to anyone? Maybe more than you care to admit?
I would drive myself batty with the internal chatter...

Am I getting enough calories to support my INSANE fitness routine as well as breastfeeding?
Am I doing the right fitness routine for the results I want bearing in mind my body type?
How do I fit fitness whilst juggling being a full time chef, mother, personal made to myself, one who loves sleep, garden and oh yeah…read books, and fit in a solcial life of sorts?
How often should I eat? And how much? Am I eating the right foods? Is there something I am missing?
How many fitness visions boards does one need in their house to have it materialize into reality?
After several emails I have received from other mommas, here are some helpful tips I created for new mothers and even those whom are finding themselves in the fitness dumps.
(only temporarily of course!)

How important is your fitness/health?
If reaching your goal is extremely important to you, then you should do what is necessary in order to achieve it. Do what fit people do! If this means getting up an hour earlier to get your routine in before the baby wakes up, then DO IT! If it means doing the routine and forgetting about laundry for a day then do it!
I found myself accidently skipping my morning routine all together because I would get wrapped up into emails, facebook, returning phone calls, laundering diapers and so forth. Then before I knew it the day flew by, I didn’t get “my routine done” and then I would feel guilty for missing it.
You can achieve your goals!

Give yourself the “soil” to do so! Do it for you! Give yourself the gift of self love and get your booty out of bed and onto the mat!
Your diet
This truly needs to be a whole book by itself but I will try to narrow it down the some very basic essentials to get you in the right direction.
Momma…you are what you ate! Period. If you are looking to lose weight now that you are no longer pregnant it will be easy as long as you are consistent and put the right foods in! It is really that easy.
Pounds will shed fast and in a healthy way as long as you are moderately active and eating wholesome foods.
For me, my body shows me when I am not eating my best and taking care of myself. When I am eating well and moving my body regularly my attitude is bright, my completion is clear, my eyes are wide and I can wear my skinny jeans!
Want sustained energy all day and lose weight? Start with what you put in your body for fuel.

Photo: Cashew-Hummus in Melissa's Book
Here is the skinny on food :
*Throw out anything in a can or box! Seriously…are we so busy that we need to eat crap out of aluminum and card board?
* Drink water, tea and fresh juices only. Nothing pasteurized or out of a friggen bottle. Waste of money and a waste of calories! Reach for fresh juices at home or at local juice bar, herbal iced or hot teas, and good clean water! (p.s Use a re-usable water bottle! Fill it up at home from a 5 gallon! seriously!)
*Prepare your meals using whole fresh ingredients no matter if you are doing Raw foods, vegan, vegetarian and so forth. This means use only foods found in the produce aisle and in the bins (as long as they are un-processed) If you do dairy, go with a raw and local dairy and in small amounts. If you are eating meat, buy from a clean source. Fast food is dead food and low quality meats are full of chemicals and garbage! Support a local source.
*To keep your metabolism burning and to fuel breastfeeding, eat 4-6 small meals a day spaced apart. Small enough meals to not over stuff yourself, yet enough food to satiate you until your next meal or snack of the day.
*Prepare snack to have on hand ahead of time! For example: wash and pre cut celery to have with almond butter. Make your own trail mix and put it in portioned out containers to snack on in small amounts. Every 3-5 days, make your own granola (Free recipe here). This will save on time and feed you right!
Achieving your Goals
True health and a fit body do not happen by mere accident. Above average results are attained through consistent life practices. Setting a goal to lose 30 postpartum pounds in one month is totally unrealistic and unhealthy for your healing body. Be patient with your gorgeous self! You just birthed a human into existence!
You may not see the visual results your desire two days into a new routine, but you will see results the more you stick with your practice. Whether it be yoga, kick boxing, dancing or other forms of ass kicking exercise the key is to do your routines often enough to give your body the chance to change and get stronger. Before you see visual results, you will feel the difference almost immediately. Set short term goals to keep yourself motivated.
Start off with setting attainable and realistic goals such as:
“I am going to do yoga at home 4 times a week for a month”.
“I am going out clubbin’ ever Saturday night for one month” =)
“I will jog Mon, Wed and Friday with baby in stroller this week”
Or “I will join the spinning class twice a week for 4 weeks.
Set realistic goals to begin with. Take into account your sleep patterns, house chores, the care for your baby, meal preparations etc. Make it simple for yourself.
Managing Your Time
If you feel that you don’t have time in your schedule for fitness, here are seven ideas on how to make it work that includes your little one(s).
1. Pop your baby in the stroller and head out for a 45 minute morning walk/jog first thing.
2. Nurse the baby, then place them in the bouncy chair in front of where you will be doing your workout DVD. They will love watching you sweat!
3. Put them in the fancy sling your sister gave you, and head out for a 2 hour hike around your neighborhood/hills if ya got em!
4. Sit them in the middle of the room with you while you do some stretches, or use their body weight for lifting exercises to tone your arms.
5. If they are older, have them join you in a game in the park like tag, upsies, red light green light or other childhood games I am sure you haven’t done since the 5th grade. Whatever it is, the game will get you to move your body and include your child.
6. If papa has the little one, hop on your bike instead of driving to your errands. Bike to the store, farmers market, post office, paying bills etc. How productive of you!
7. See if there are other moms out and about you can walk/jog with! Bring the kiddos along.

And remember….even if it is a nice walk around town, move your body every day! Even if it is a salad or a fresh fruit smoothie a deserve it!
Start doing your routines and devloping your healthy habits today!

Every day gets easier! You will get the results you desire!

Babies know best!