Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Raw Food Recipe: Omega La la latte'

They may be tiny, but they are mighty MIGHTY! : Flax and Hemp! While it’s not technically a grain, the flax seed has a similar vitamin and mineral profile to grains, while the amount of fiber and antioxidants in flax leaves grains in the dust. Additionally, flax seed is very low in carbohydrates, making it ideal for people who limit their intake of starches and sugars. And its combination of healthy fat and high fiber content make it a great food for weight loss and maintenance -- I have found that flax seed has been a key to feeling satisfied after healthier and lighter meals.
Hulled hemp seeds have an ideal balance of Omega 3 and 6 for sustainable human health, it has a full amino acid spectrum meaning it provides complete protein, and it has a massive trace mineral content - truly one of nature's superfoods at 33% protein.
Flax and hemp are both rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which aid in development of the baby's brain and nervous system as well as mother's well being. Omega-3 fatty acids are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are indispensable for human growth and development, yet are not synthesized by humans. These must be obtained from the diet, specifically from either fish or flaxseed oil. However, a "standard American diet" is severely deficient in these critical nutrients.
This deficiency in omega-3 intake is compounded by the fact that after a woman's first pregnancy, her maternal stores become depleted, rarely returning to pre-pregnancy levels. Subsequent pregnancies continue this depletion.

This frothy warm beverage I came up with in hopes to get in large amounts of nutrients without sacrificing flah-vah! Often I am not hungry for a meal, yet a power packed drink is just the thing my body needs to keep up with the demands of breastfeeding! Enjoy!

Omega La-LA Latte' serves 1 momma
1 bag of Decaffeinated Good Earth Herbal Tea. (Sweet & Spicy)
1 1/2 TB Morning Jing powder by Shaman Shack
3 big and juicy medjool dates pitted
1/2-1 TB golden flax seeds
2 TB Hulled hemp seeds
1 tsp vanilla extract
tiny pinch of pink salt

Step 1: Steep tea bag in 2cups of hot water for 5 minutes, pour tea into blender.
Step 2: Grin flax seeds in coffee grinder.
Step 3: Place all ingredients into blender and blend for 30 seconds.

Recipe Note: The flax in this recipe will thicken the drink. if you are weirded out by thicker drinks, just use 1/2 TB flax seeds. Also, be sure to grind them fresh for optimla nutrition!

Pour in your favorite cup and enjoy! I like to drink my hot beverages in this snazzy coffee cup that is NOT paper! This fantastic cup is ceramic with a flexie lid and can be used again and again and again!
Enjoy 112 raw vegan recipe in Melissa's E-book HERE

Morning Jing: Get the best protein powder out there with Ho sho Wu and other super foods HERE

Babies know best!