Saturday, November 21, 2009

Birth. In the movies.....

A few nights ago I went to a movie hosted by the Birthing Network of Santa Cruz called Born in the USA. Bruce Springsteen is not who I saw wailing and sweating throughout this flick, instead it were women giving birth, using various methods practiced today. In the film you meet three birth caregivers—a obstetrician, a nurse-midwife, and a licensed home birth midwife—each with a dramatically different idea about what constitutes best care for birthing women. The film show how these women see their work and what factors—medical, legal, and cultural—influence women's choices in the birthing room. In general the film was very informative and "neutral", letting the viewer truly see what happens in these different circumstances under various forms of care offered to pregnant women today. Al thought there was a lovely home birth that took place that was so fluid and relaxed compared to the birth that took place in the hospital, what made my stomach turn was the fact that women today in my opinion are "brainwashed" when it comes to birth. Now I am just generalizing here.....most women today have this perception of birth as painful, stressful, and potentially dangerous procedure! A procedure that our bodies may fall apart during and desperately need intervention! We have movies, media and of course our culture in general to thank for this warped and twisted view on one of the most beautiful events any human can experience or be apart of. What would be different if we taught our daughters what a blissful experience it is? and prepared them from a more positive and encouraging outcome?

Born in the USA, features on the Oxygen channel, was insightful as to what is really going on in the birthing rooms of the general public. It got me fired up! I instantly had the desire to share more natural and less stressful forms of birthing with women all over the planet. Women shouldn't have to enter into pregnancy with fear, worry and doubt just because someone else experienced that "version". Our society is being programmed to accept the tv shows and movies's version of birth. A women will enter into the birthing process with fear right off the bat if showed nothing but other women's massive freak outs, scratching, screaming, agonizing pain and intervention to the rescue. This false picture of what birthing really is and what could be, leaves little room for another "outcome" to be the "norm". Actually enjoying birth or the potential that HEY! maybe she can do this natural after all and feel loved and nurchured in the process IS infact a reality Heck! We were built for birth and dang it...we've been at it since the beginning of time with no sterile face masks, gloves, needles, and certainly not flat on our backs in a stiff bed not able to move!

I noticed in Born in USA with the exception of the home birthing momma, not a single laboring women was in the squatting position which happens to be a very helpful position to help guide the baby's head on through the mother's pelvis with gravity. Why didn't the doctors suggest this to the laboring women? I was hoping they did and just not film it. However, there they were on their backs, stuck on the bed and hooked up to monitors, IV and other equiptment. (One women was concidered low risk and still connected to all this crap) Of course the position and all the cords would not help cope with the sensations of birth! How could any women relax and let go? The movie mentioned that some culture's find it offensive to be on all fours odd to tone with their voices, and un-lady like to squat for birth. ARE you SERIOUS! So you mean to tell me the obvious position of being upright in a squat so gravity can help is viewed as not so nice, but laying flat on your back, legs strapped into stirrups and 5 people peering in on your vagina with plastic shields over their faces is totally fine and normal?? wow. That "picture" is the picture given to us in the "movies" our whole lives and it does happen in real life! I was upset and I felt sadness for the women in the documentary which represents a hugs number of women that deal with this as "normal" everyday in the USA!

Momma Mango's Manifesto: I would love to see truely empowering birthing classes that dig into the "untraditional" methods and offer it to every single pregnant Goddess. These classes would teach breathing techniques, beautiful movement and that it is natural and OK to sway those hips, squat, vocalize, visualize and be primal in the birthing process. I see a birthing class where instead of concentrating on all the drugs they an be doped up on, they concentrate on all magic their bodies are designed for and encourage ways the body can relax and truely birth naturally. I believe that cultivating these somewhat lost yet basic natural instincts would lift the layer so that all women would realize that maybe, juts maybe they can do this and they are this rightous and most gorgeous goddess in the birthing process!

From a young age, if we were all taught that birth is sacred, poweful, magical and yes full of sensation that may be intense at times.....I believe we would have a very different world! A world where more women stepped into their power and other women rejoiced in lifting one another up!
mmm...that feels so good!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Raw Recipe: Carrot cake shake

“C” is for cake! Carrot that Is!

I have been big into smoothies lately mostly because I prefer to drink my food rather than sit down and eat it, being so close to my due date! There is little room in there these days, but there is always room for carrot cake shake!
With fall and winter flavors making their ways into my daily foodie routine I craved a morning smoothie that would deliver the nutrition I have been used to as well as boldly take the place of my orange-banana green smoothie. Mmmm…who can say no to cake first thing in the mornin’? This smoothie is the real deal! Delicious, nutritious and very simple to make! Enjoy!
Originally from Asia, the mighty carrot is easily assimilated by our bodies even left raw; with numerous health benefits. (Why am I not surprised that ever fruit or vegetable has amazing health benefits!) Chinese practitioners say that carrots are not only a tasty sweet root vegetable; it is good for the health of spleen and stomach. It is also believed to improve impotence (lower sexual drive), sexual dysfunction, night blindness, long term cough (or call hundred days cough in Chinese
medical prescription) besides strengthening kidney and eliminating excessive wind and cold in our body. Can you turn orange from too many carrots? Sure…but that would take A LOT!
When picking carrots, try shopping at your local farmer’s market and seek out the organic, smaller, more “rustic” stubby and fat carrots. Over the past 150 years of modern day agriculture, carrots have been hybrid (altered genetically) to be the size of walking sticks! Most if not all hybrid produce is a far cry from what nature intended, yet still fine to eat. No need to completely avoid hybrid produce like carrots, juts be aware that these foods should be enjoyed minimally and that if you have a choice for the OG (Original) v.s the perfectly nubby carrots: go that route! Hybrid foods do contain a little more sugar than the non hybrids. Again, awareness is fine. Fanaticism isn’t. Now, back to the cake part!

Get 111 more recipes in Melissa E Book HERE!

Carrot cake shake Serves 1
1 c ice
1 small ripe banana (Frozen is suggested for thicker texture)
½ c fresh carrot juice
½ c almond milk OR: ( ½ c water + 1/3 c soaked cashews)
1 tsp vanilla extract
½ TB Pumpkin pie spice
3 big, juicy medjool dates pitted
Place all ingredients into a blender. Blend until smooth
Garnish with ground pecan pieces and cinnamon

* Optional health-nut kick: Add ½ tsp of Spirulina if you need a boost of protein. This may slightly change up the flavor, but deliver the nutrition you deserve.

To nab a copy of Melissa’s Amazing E-book Click HERE!
A total of 112 delicious recipes! Nut free & agave free options!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Due date, doc visit and food cravings update

The visit with our OB/ Midwife yesterday went well. I saw her on the 17th of Nov. on the day she gave me as my official "due date". The due date is an interesting topic for me, I am so glad you brought it up! I remember when I first went in for care and the nurses were trying to calculate my due date based on the last day of my period. Apparently this is just how they do it. Funny thing is and I hope you don't mind me sharing this bit with you: The due date they were giving me I was resistant to accept for the simple fact that one needs to have sex in order to become pregnant right! As the nurse was calculating the date for me, I was explaining to her that she can not count my "last period dates" because I was not sexually active at that time, so how could I possibly be pregnant???
The two different nurses I saw totally ignored my comments almost as if I was speaking Japanese or a total idiot. It was too funny. I was upset and annoyed at first because I do in fact think it is silly to count days of pregnancy when there couldn't possibly be a fertilized egg! Then I just laughed at the ridiculous of it all. Why am I counting a week or two of pregnancy that couldn't possibly of happen? Oh well, Ill let then play their game and calculate away on their Iphones.
Nov 17th was the due date they gave me and I knew better so I made my own date based on factual-sexual contact! =)
The rest of my check up yesterday went well. My midwife told me that I am currently dilated to 2 cm! She said that this means my body is preparing yet it does promise I will go into labor anytime real soon. She did mention that it is common for women to dilate from 1-3 cm and stay there for 2 or so weeks! Before our time was up, she said there was no need to book anymore appointments. Hint hint....

The past few days I have preparing the house for guests and baby, sunbathing, sleeping and working on my new ebooks! People often ask me in these final days of waddle
"Are you nervous?!
Truthfully, I am not nervous eventhough I joke about it and make scary faces when asked if I am getting an epidural. I am more excited about my own body's birthing process and curious about how it will all go first hand. In preparation for this great unknown, I have read many uplifting birth stories online, viewed home videos on YouTube of women laboring in their bathtubs and beds, watched movies on water birth, orgasmic births and conscious birthing techniques. Over the past few months I have read all kinds of interesting articles from Elimination Communication, to A Lotus birth all part of the many facets of natural child birth. I know that all of this information has been wonderful and encouraging resources, however my experience will be all its own! Yeah! So excited!
FOOD!? YES! New developments in the topic of food and my pregnancy has taken place.
A few months into my High Raw-Vegan pregnancy I began to crave eggs and raw-goats cheese in a major way. I made the decision to eat these foods and to my initial suprise, felt absolutely amazing as a result! I am guessing it was due to the combinations and the frequency I was eating these new foods, as well as the other fresh foods in my diet. For example, I would poach one or two eggs and enjoy them over a nice green salad instead of toast or pancakes. I would typically do this once or twice a week. This felt very balancing for me personally and I let go of my personal judgements I had about incorporating non raw-vegan foods into my diet. I had fully intended on having a High Raw Vegan Pregnancy and was excited to write about it and share it with the world! I learned I had to go with the flow and love myself as well as my process no matter what changed or shifted from my origional "plan" and expectations. What can I say? The additions to my diet just felt right so I sought out high quality local eggs and prepared these foods with much love coupled with amazing fresh greens!
When I first introduced these foods in, I didn't share that info with anyone except family and my OB for fear of not living up to my "raw status" as a coach and chef in the movement. I quickly realized that I was being too hard on myself and that it was ok! Whatever I was doing was A-OK.
To my relief I found there were and still are many "raw women" out there that once they became pregnant..everything changed. They too added foods like fresh eggs, raw goats cheese and other whole foods such as quinoa and steamed veggies. Some of these women have shared their stories to encourage other mommas and some have chose to keep their pregnancy dietary "changes" to themselves due to the risk of being judged by the Raw World. Sadly I think this is mostly because men or women who have never been pregnant could not possibly understand a mother to-be's reasons for adding certain foods that are not in the raw-vegan category during pregnancy. and who wants to have to explain themselves when being a role model in the raw food realms? This topic I will go into at a later time. <3
For my entire pregnancy, almost like clockwork, I religiously enjoyed green smoothies every morning that had spirulina, fresh kale from our garden, local oranges and a ripe banana. I also for the first time ever- craved fresh nut milk drinks from cashews, almonds and sometimes brazil nuts. I chowed down lots of other various raw salads/dishes throughout the day. I felt excellent! I felt strong and awesome! Then shift happened!

Sometime last week I noticed a shift in my food cravings/needs. It started with a dream I had where my baby boy told me something like "momma...I have had enough eggs and raw cheese, I don't need it anymore."

I woke up from this dream, and was grinning! There was a noticeable shift inside me that I could not ignore. From that moment I had no desire for eggs nor cheese so I followed that feeling.

I have also noticed a drop in my appetite in the sense that instead of say 4 to 5 small meals and snacks a day, I only eat two meals and a snack. I feel fine, I feel satisfied. I feel different! YES!

I feel as though my baby inside is fully developed and ready to hatch therefor his needs nutritionally have shifted and my body is responding. I am so grateful for my body's intelligence!

Other amazing high raw conscious mommas I have been in contact with have shared with me similar stories about food I am excited to see how my body shifts once I begin breastfeeding! I hear it's a gunna be a fun ride!

Oh goodie! Ill let you know how it goes!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Anti-Nut Gut way to go!

A few months back I did a 5 minute interview with Shea Lynn Baird, organizer of the Monday night live events at Cafe Gratitude. She is an amazing woman who organized inspirational speakers to come to Cafe G every single monday for FREE!

After our 5 minute teaser phone interview, I did an hour talk at the cafe in detail how we can all gain balance within the raw food lifestyle.

Say Bye Bye to the ever-popular Nut-Gut I see a lot of raw foodist sporting these days unfortunatly. Success without distress!

Listen in on why so many Live-Food enthusiasts lose their enthusiasm! and how you can soar on Live Foods!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Honest Meals: What parents consider food

Honest Meals:
I have a few close girl friends back home who have one or two babies either breastfeeding or eating adult foods by now. All of my friends have seen me go through my transition towards more live foods over the past 8 years and have been intrigued about the whole deal but thought it was too extreme therefor not interested in applying any of the info I would share.
Wanting me to be proud of her, my friend Emily boasted about drinking “Naked” brand Juices and feeding her baby the “Organic” version of Gerber foods as fulfilling nutritional requirements for herself, her baby and her unborn only 12weeks into gestation. Emily, like most parents in the general public today, (me included 8 years ago) are under the impression that eating healthier means choosing whole wheat cereals, canned soups with less “fat” or sodium, brown bread verses the spongy white and making your own pizza from scratch instead of calling up Dominos for delivery. Some of these options are “better” yes; however there is plenty of room for improvement. I have realized just how much more information is needed to steer mommas towards truly healthier ways to not only feed their babies better but nourish themselves on a deep cellular level. Many parents are mislead on what is best for their children through creative advertising campaigns, commercials and poor public information about what is really food.
Now, eating an all raw food diet may seem a bit extreme to take on, but there is no need to feel intimidated. I invite all parents to just take a educated look at the types of foods in their fridges and cabinets and then take easy steps to improve the quality. This is not about taking on a all raw food diet, or even an all vegetarian diet. This it is about introducing more fresh, wholesome and alive foods and removing the junk.

How and what we eat has been taught to us mostly by the “industries” and food companies. What we percieve as "food" MUST be re-evaluated.

1. Canned and bottled foods are dead foods period. The nutritional information on the back of these packaged foods are measuring the nutrition of the fruits and vegetables before they were preserved. Once these foods are canned or bottled for preservation, they offer nothing but flavor. This is because once a food is cooked, canned or oxidized in preparation; it loses most if not all nutrition.
What to do: Blend your own baby foods fresh in a blender, food processor or baby food mill. Use fresh and ripe fruits, vegetable and even a tiny bit of seasoning. You can find recipe ideas to get you started free online. Purchase a case of small ball jars to store these fresh creations in so that you have them handy for convenience. This will take you literally 10 minutes twice a week to have a stock of fresh baby food available to your child. They are so worth it!

2. Plan simple. Receive complex mineralization! A well balanced dinner does not have to include the whole food pyramid scam. A well balanced meal is simply a meal that offers high nutrition. One or two dinner items are sufficient in feeding your family especially if these dishes are made of fresh wholesome foods.
What to do: A huge dinner salad made with mixed greens, leafy lettuces and or spinach with avocado, tomato, cucumbers and sprouts served with a side of cooked and seasoned lentils, quinoa or wild rice is a perfect meal! There is protein from greens and quinoa, and plenty of other rich minerals found in the fresh greens and vegetables. Eating this way may be very different than what you are used to offering your family. I invite you to try something new all for the purpose of feeding them right!
If your family is not quite ready to go all vegetarian (without meat) that is totally fine. Maybe go all veg a few nights a week as a test run or general practice. When you do cook meat, serve small portions with a large fresh salad to help digest. (bread with meat is a “sticky” internal situation and hard to digest) Most children do not have a taste for meat products. These preferences are taught to them thru repeated feedings from eager parents. Do not worry if your child is getting “enough” protein. They are getting plenty as long as you are feeding them fresh fruits and vegetables.
Eating more simple meals save big bucks as well as digest easily in you and your child’s bellies.

3. Boxed verses Real foods: Of course boxed foods are convenient and even fun to pack into lunch boxes. You must realize that anything on a shelf in a box is seriously lacking nutritionally and a waste of your money.
What to do: No matter what the colorful and catchy label says to sell you the product, think logically and rationally. Foods that have been man-made are no comparison to fresh whole foods found in the produce section. The bulk of your everyday meals should come from fresh produce not cardboard boxes and cans. Cans and boxes are cheaper and last longer yes. But at what cost to your health? HUGE!
If you want to indulge in a cookie here and there or make some brownies, go for it. But do not rely on this stuff for fuel, nutrition or as a true meal.
French fries, Cheerios, Mickey Mouse cheese sammich or a canned bean and cheese enchilada off the kids menu is not going to cut it nutritionally as a balanced meal for your child. Your baby’s are better off eating a single apple, orange slices or handful of grapes as a meal. And more times than not, a child will eat just that intuitively. If your child eats a few bites of fruit or fresh veggies and takes off to play again, let them. Their little stomachs are only the size of their fists and if they get hungry again, they will be back for more nibbles. There is no need to force them to eat more “bulk” or to eat foods void in nutrients just to “fill them up”. Parents must make the connection and feel confident that fresh foods grown from the ground are nutrient dense and will nourish their child far better! A little goes a very long way!

Examples of easy trade outs for superior nutrition:

Old option VS Better option
Instead of : bottled juices/drinks spend your cash on Fresh fruits blended in the blender or Home fresh pressed OJ.
Toss out the boxed Pastas and try Quinoa or wild rice.
Instead of Boxed dry cereals make Quick & Fresh granola (recipe in last blog post).
Instead of your regular Wheat or white Bread reach for Ezekiel brand sprouted bread.
Cows milk can and should be swapped out for Rice milk. Home-made nut milk (recipe). We are no baby calves! Instead of the normal routine of Meat based tacos try use More sauteed vegetables or nut meats (recipe).
Canned marinara sauce is nothing compared to Freshly blended marinara (recipe) .
Spaghetti noodles can easily be traded for better option called Kelp noodles . When warmed and added to any dish they are amazing and very low calorie!

Curious cat? Get Melissa's Ebook HERE!

Monday, November 9, 2009

How you like ‘dem apples!? Quick Winter Apple Granola Recipe

Winter fruits are my absolute favs! For the next few months we are going to indulge in the pleasures of several varieties of apples being at their best and most vibrant state! Why? Because they are in season! Produce is so much more vibrant and delicious when enjoyed in the right time of year. I notice for myself, I snub apples thru the rest of the year yet once fall and winter are here I am sniffin’ them out like an apple monster, fondling each variety and scouting for the perfect one to crunch into.
A few common varieties that are at their peak in November are Lady, Pippin, Liberty, and McIntosh. When picking apples you want to go for organic first of all for obvious reasons. Locally grown apples are a treat if you have that opportunity and you need choose those varieties that are in season for the best flavor and texture. At a glance, look for a nice, solid and colorful apple. Imperfections or lack of shine is no biggie they are only “grocery store cosmetic conditioning”. Those apples are usually the treasures over the waxy or “oddly perfect looking ones”. The perfect apple should not have any soft spots when gently squeezing it. Most health food stores will offer the perfect apple during the winter months so don’t be shy to ask the produce clerk which variety they think is best. Typically they love giving samples to customers who ask.
Like all food grown out of the ground, apples have great health benefits! This fist-sized snack that needs little or no preparation is packed with health-boosting properties :
Help protect bone health
Help prevent asthma, heart disease, and cancers such as lung, breast, colon, and liver
New research also suggests that the phyto nutrient called quercetin may help to prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinsonism
Pectin in apples can help to lower LDL cholesterol
Good for diabetes and weight management
Good source of vitamin C
Good source of soluble and insoluble fiber
Excellent source of flavanoids and antioxidantsRead more:

If you are like me and prefer not to dehydrate your snacks because of time or personal preference or the fact that you do not have a dehydrator, this recipe is for you! This granola is so simple to make and is very satisfying for a power packed breakfast and time of the day! Enjoy!

Quick Winter Apple Granola Serves 6
6 apples cored and roughly chopped
1 loose cup of dates pitted
1 c sprouted almonds
Pulse above ingredients in a food processor until well combined and mixture resembles granola in texture. Do not puree.
Place ingredients in large bowl, then fold in
1 c large style coconut flakes
½ c goji berries
1 tsp Pumpkin pie seasoning
2-3 tsp cinnamon
Pinch of pink salt
1 tsp vanilla powder
3 TB cacao nibs (optional) crunch
3 TB dry mulberries (optional)

Store granola in sealed container in the fridge for up to 5 days.
Serve with fresh almond or cashew milk or sprinkle over yogurt or your fav smoothie for an added meal boost.

For more delicious recipes get Melissa’s amazing E-book here!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Sunn Rooibos-Cinnamon latte

Warming the heart fall beverage:
Rooibos-cinnamon Latte. Dairy and sugar free! All raw-Vegan
Fall is full on and I am feeling the need to curl up on the couch with a warm frothy beverage and a heart-warming flick! Why get in the car and drive to a coffee shop when I can prepare a much healthier version of my latte I use to indulge in quite frequently.
Because of the pregnancy, I prefer to go caffeine and dairy free, so in this recipe I love to use Rooibos tea which is fantastic. My favorite brand is provided by a company out of Eagle Idaho called Sunn. I am sure you can use any brand if Sunn is not available in your health food store.
Rooibos is sometimes referred to as red bush tea, providing great hydration, replenishes electrolytes, a natural detoxifier and super energizing without the caffeine jitterz. Interesting enough It also shows anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral activity. Rooibos is a legume from the Cedarberg Mountains in South Africa. It began its modern history around the turn of the 20th century, when local inhabitants discovered that the fine needle-like leaves made a delicious and aromatic beverage. Little did they know the amazing qualities.
Rooibos is said to slow the aging process! Well that is great news! The aging of our bodies is caused by toxic compounds called free radicals which are produced as a by-product of normal cell function. These free radicals attack our healthy cells and over our lifetime, will contribute to aging and a weakened immune system . This is why it is so important to keep the electrolytes and antioxidants into our daily routines.

Recently, Japanese scientists have found that Rooibos tea contains a mimic of the enzyme Super Oxide Dismutase (S.O.D.), an antioxidant which attacks the free radicals and limits their damaging effects.
Rooibos also helps to relieve stomach ulcers, nausea, constipation, and heartburn.

Rooibos-Cinnamon Latte Serves 1
Step1: Steep 1 bag of Sunn™ Rooibos tea into 2 c of water. Then place in high speed blender.
Step 2: Add remaining ingredients and blend on high for 1 minute. When you leave it to blend, a natural frothie texture will appear and be the perfect topper to your delight! Yummmm
2 TB soaked cashews
2 large, soft and juicy medjool dates pitted
½ tsp vanilla powder or vanilla extract
½ tsp cinnamon
Tiny pinch of pink salt
Pour into your favorite over-sized coffee mug or mason jar and smile!

Find more delicious and healthy recipes in Melissa’s Ebook All raw All good!

Babies know best!